
Intolerable Pain Is a Great Motivator
Rebecca B-F, Iowa, USA

When doing some research several years ago, we discovered the Bob Beck Protocol and our whole family has been using the various units throughout the years. We generally don’t get sick and we try not to do doctors. We do however, consistently break out our arsenal of goodies and attack whatever is ailing us.

Not long ago, I really needed to step up my use of the protocol because I discovered a very painful and large abscess located inside the tissue above the perineum. Abscesses that occur deeper in tissue are very uncommon and surgical incision and drainage is the most common treatment. This time, I went to a doctor.

By the time I got the appointment, it was so uncomfortable I could hardly walk. I was given a course of antibiotics. There was going to be a delay while insurance paperwork was filed. The clinic told me they couldn’t get me in to see the surgeon until the next week. They suggested I go to the Emergency Room and wished me a nice day. Wow. I had no idea how I was going to be able to function.

I figured I had nothing to lose if I started applying the pulsed magnetic fields, taking colloidal silver and ozonated water, as well. It might take weeks to reschedule surgery and I was already in unbearable agony.

The abscess was the shape and size of two eggs side by side but not real evident on the outside of the skin. It had started inside the body and took a while for me to notice it, but once I did, the pain and tenderness kept increasing until I thought I’d go crazy.

I started on the magnetic pulsing unit for a bit on a Wednesday but really went into high gear on the Thursday. Using it was painful, I’ll tell you that. It seemed the pulser would aggravate the abscess because it felt like the abscess was burning through and coming to the surface. I could feel the pain getting worse but then eventually, the pain subsided a little, then more. I used it about five or six times a day for a 20-minute session each time. I scattered its use throughout the day. I took showers to keep the area clean and loaded up on my vitamins. I drank freshly ozonated water all day too, going through four 16 oz bottles that I filled up. I also drank about four ounces of the colloidal silver four times a day.

I did the same thing over again on Friday and started up again on Saturday morning. By that afternoon; while pulsing, I felt the pressure disappear AND the pain disappear. What a relief! I knew it must have erupted, and sure enough, the abscess had made it to the surface and drained on its own. This has been the single most significant response we’ve noticed so far in using the units to help us.

The doctor couldn’t believe it, stating that this kind of thing rarely resolves on its own. I didn’t mention what I’d done.

I am SO thankful we have all these great tools to use! And the fact that I did NOT have to go anywhere and be sliced open with invasive surgery was totally amazing.

We’ve always had good results with all the units in the protocol; like quicker healing of body injuries or sprains after applying pulsed magnetic fields or using the colloidal silver to speed up healing on wounds or cuts our kids get. These are some powerful tools in our health arsenal!

We are getting such great use out of the protocol. The units have paid for themselves over and over.

Rebecca B-F, Iowa, USA
\ I figured I had nothing to lose in stepping up my use of the protocol...Surgery would take weeks and I was already in unbearable agony. \
Colloidal Silver, Magnetic Pulsing, Water Ozonation , Infection, Inflammation, Pain
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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