
Memory-Energy Levels Improve with Brain Tuner
A.M., British Columbia, Canada

When I first learned about the Brain Tuner, I was excited to try it. The first time using it though, I felt quite sensitive; the only mode that felt good was mode 6. I started out very slowly – 10 minutes or less – and gradually worked up to a full 20 minute session.

After using the Brain Tuner consistently (5 days a week) on mode 6, I noticed my memory improved. I started recalling long forgotten childhood memories and things I hadn’t recalled for years. I realized the only thing I was doing differently was using the Brain Tuner.

I also noticed I didn’t want to smoke marijuana (pot) anymore. I had smoked pot recreationally on and off for years, but after using the unit for a few weeks, I had no desire to smoke anymore. Upon reflection, I realized I had wanted to smoke when I felt depressed or stressed out, so I believe using the Brain Tuner has helped with my mood and stress levels as well.

A month or so later, I did a bit of online research on the Brain Tuner and found a website that confirmed my experience; the website cited modes 3 and 6 for helping with relaxation and memory improvement. The website also said modes 2 and 5 were energizing. I knew it was recommended to alternate the modes so you don’t become acclimatized, so I tried modes 2 and 5 when I felt tired during the day. The results were immediate for me; I felt more awake right away.

If I haven’t used the Brain Tuner for a week or two, just like yoga, I notice I don’t feel as grounded and my thinking isn’t as clear. The Brain Tuner has helped me feel more centered, grounded and calm.

A.M., British Columbia, Canada
\ The Brain Tuner has helped me feel more centered, grounded and calm. \
Brain Tuner , Addictions, Emotional Wellbeing, Energy, Memory Issues, Mental Function, Relaxation
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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