
Brain Functioning Returning
D.K., Queensland, Australia

I have suffered from chronic headaches for a very long time. Now, I am 50 and these migraines started when I was roughly 12 years old. In my late teens I was getting approximately one migraine a month. This increased through my 20's, and more so into my 30's. Since say about 15 years ago, I would get several headaches a week. This required a prescription medication called pethidine about twice a month for the worst headaches. About ten years ago, the headache frequency was increasing with the pethidine staying about the same. And then about five or six years ago, the headaches became chronic daily occurrences and my intake of pethidine increased to at least once a week. Then about two years ago, the pethidine intake averaged twice a week.

During all of this time doctors and specialists wanted to keep trying more and more preventative medications. I believe the increase in headaches have partly been caused by all the medications—MOH, called Medication Overuse Headaches, are now recognized as caused by any pain killer or anti-inflammatory. This only happens with people who suffer headaches. There is now plenty on the internet about Chronic CDH or MOH headaches. I printed off a lot of information before my doctor would believe me. Now he tells me to try not to take pain killers as they will give me rebound headaches, etc.

Probably the biggest mistake was doing what one specialist wanted. He put me on oxycodone/oxycontin—also known as oxynorm. I didn't realize how addictive it was, and he played that down saying you simply reduce the dose slowly when you want to get off it. This was given to me at a three-week Pain Management Course run by a hospital. They made me worse in the first two weeks, so they said get off all other medication and just take oxycontin.

I had been on oxycontin for two to three weeks before going back to my doctor. He was furious I had been put on this, but said it would be too late now as I would be addicted, so said I may as well see what happens. It worked well for a while, but I needed higher, and higher doses for the same effect. I ended up needing pethidine as well at times, so I decided to get off it. Against doctors advice I went cold turkey. If I didn't do it cold turkey I am sure I would have needed too much pethidine and would have ended up addicted to it. Anyway the first five weeks was a nightmare, and it really took to the end of week seven to be somewhat ok, but you could not believe the fatigue that goes with withdrawal.

So that was the start of a further downward spiral. Doctors now wanted to try more preventatives. The worst was topamax/topiramate. This is an anti-epileptic drug that can help some migraine suffers. It caused a continual throat infection for the first three to four months, loss of energy, brain fog, inability to concentrate and poor short term memory. The doctor convinced me to stay on it as it was getting good results with others. I had to get off the drug after about 15 months. All of the side effects were still bad and it wasn't doing anything for my migraines.

During all of this, I was also trying every alternate therapy I heard of as well. My wife was helping me as she used alternate therapies. These helped, but the problem was too big.

So the next drug was plavix/clopidgrel. This is more for heart/stroke patients, but a study in the UK found it was helping with stroke victims who suffered migraines by accident. It didn't do anything for me other than make the brain fog, memory and concentration worse. To top all of this off I had been on stillnox/zolpidem (called ambien in the US). I started on this about six years go and used it until a year ago. After being on it for a few years my doctor said I should try to get off it as it's meant for only about three weeks maximum. If I didn't take it, I couldn't sleep; then I would get a massive headache and need pethidine, so what do you do? I stayed on it longer. In my opinion stilnox should be removed from the market. I have had countless episodes where I have no recollection of things I have said and done after taking a stilnox tablet(s). So what plenty of people claim to have happened to them, has also happened to me.

The problem peaked a year ago a few weeks before Thanksgiving. My memory and concentration were getting really bad, I believe this to be from the stilnox, plavix, and prior use of topamax before the plavix. I had an operation around this time with anesthesia and this really capped it all off. Now I was having difficulty reading a magazine. For example, I would read a paragraph, and during the next paragraph I would have forgotten most of what I read in the prior paragraph. I couldn't take in anything that I read. This was so unbelievably frustrating. I knew the anesthesia had made it worse, but it was quite bad before the operation. So the drugs were having a big effect on brain function.

To cut a long story short, by the end of February this year, the brain fog, lack of memory and my concentration had not improved at all. I thought by getting off these drugs I would have it come back, but had zero improvement. Then we got all of the Beck machines. I tried the Brain Tuner first for about ten days or more before using the wrist pulsing unit. I added the water ozonating unit somewhere around two weeks after starting on the Brain Tuner.

I was expecting this is going to take a long while (possibly months) to get the memory and concentration happening properly, but after three days I was able to start remembering prior paragraphs when reading and was able to concentrate much better. To me, this was a massive improvement after only three days on the Brain Tuner. I was still far from normal, but a huge improvement in such a short time!

I usually use the Brain Tuner for at least two hours every day. For each session I always go through six 20-minute modes; starting at mode one going through to mode six, for a total of two hours. I will take the Brain Tuner off at this point after two hours and often will continue for another hour or two with pulsing on the wrist. Some days, I will do four hours on the blood electrification.

Things improved further but I have to say the biggest noticeable difference was after the three days. Improvement after that was more slow to happen but always going forward. I kept all of this up for several months, every day using the Brain Tuner, pulsing on the wrist and the ozonated water. When I did have a break off all machines I did start to have the memory function reduce again. Once I started using the Brain Tuner this would improve again quickly. I have been using them for about nine months. Now when I do have a break off them I don't have as much of a reduction in the memory and concentration functions. My results are holding better over time. I continue to mostly use the Brain Tuner, pulsing on the wrist and the ozonated water. I do also use the magnetic pulsing unit and a red/Infrared LED Light unit occasionally.

My headaches have improved somewhat from using the Beck machines, but I have a long way to go. My sleep and mood have improved as well, but sleep is still far from normal. With so many years of being on too many pharmaceuticals, it's a slow journey. I can say that this technology has made the biggest turnaround for the better.

So what advice can I give to others?

Question every pharmaceutical drug you are prescribed by your doctor. Do the searches on Google to find out the side effects as your doctor is probably unaware of just how bad the side effects can be. In my opinion, my situation has been considerably worsened from the use of too many pharmaceuticals, all prescribed by doctors. Pharmaceuticals have their place, but for me they did a lot of harm with little or no benefit.

I think these machines are great! They have made a huge improvement in my health and I expect that will further improve as I keep using them. So that's my story, a way to go yet, but I hate to think where I would be today if I didn't start using this technology around nine months ago.

D.K., Queensland, Australia
\ Massive improvement after only three days on the Brain Tuner \
Brain Tuner, Colloidal Silver, Magnetic Pulsing, Wrist Pulsing , Addictions, Energy, Fatigue, Headaches, Memory Issues, Mental Function, Migraines, Sleep Issues
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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