
Bones Free of Cancer
R.L., Finland

Eight years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 60 years old. The tumor was removed by an operation under local anesthesia. However, after the surgery, the cancer quickly spread into other tissues. A gamma camera revealed metastasis, especially in my rib bones.

I did not want any hard, traditional cancer treatments like radiation or chemotherapy so I started an alternative program with a friendly local MD. The treatment involved vitamins, supplements, artificially rising body temperature with hot baths and Finnish sauna and a vaccine made from the tumor.

Six months after beginning the treatment, the gamma camera image was clear.

Four years ago I got a thyroid cancer, which was operated on. They got everything out and a vaccine was made from the tumor.

Although a year later the scan didn't detect any new tumors, later that same year, the breast cancer marker CA 15-3 had risen to 51 (normal value is 32). That following Spring, I got shortness of breath and my ear clogged up often. A new CA 15-3 marker test was done and it was 105. Sometimes my own voice cracked, echoed and whined in my head. In July, the doctor did not find any cause for my ear problem. A new examination was done at the hospital, but nothing was found. In the Autumn, the breast cancer marker was 136 and hemoglobin was low (97 g/l).

My whole body was examined and in December it was found out that my bone marrow was not producing enough red blood cells. New gamma scan was done and showed new metastases all over the body—in my bones, head, right sternum, ribs—and smaller ones in my knee and jawbone.

In the beginning of the next year, the doctors declared that I was outside of conventional allopathic medicine and considered me to be in the terminal stage without hope and reach of treatment. My husband and I were told to prepare for my death.

I still continued to take vitamins and supplements, hot baths, saunas, and got benefos tablets from the hospital for strengthening the bones. I also did regular liver/gallbladder flushes with olive oil at home.

In January we bought the Beck Protocol machines and I started a regular regiment of the full 4 stages of the Beck Protocol. I used the blood electrification 2-3 hours/day. I used the magnetic pulsing unit on bones, lymph and internal organs 2 hours/day. I drank self-made ionic colloidal silver 0.15-0.5 liters/day. I drank Ozonated Water 2.5 liters/day.

Until the end of February I was quite weak. I had shortness of breath and got tired from the smallest movement. I felt that it was very important to drink ozonated water for my detoxification.

In the beginning of March I was much better, and I felt for the first time, that the healing had begun. By the middle of April the lung irritation and continuous cough were gone, shortness of breath had eased considerably, and the swollen lymph gland in the right armpit was gone. The laboratory results were also better. The thrombocytes had risen to normal values.

During the entire Spring I did not catch a flu, and in June I was in good shape. I managed to carry my daughter's son 300 meters from the playground to the second floor so that his clean shoes would not get dirty. That previous winter I couldn't walk without getting out of breath and while climbing stairs I had to rest many times. This summer, my blood test results were now almost normal.

In November I was in the hospital for annual follow-up of the thyroid cancer and the doctor said that everything was in order, but that my calcium level was a bit low, not anything alarming. I was thinking about taking extra calcium, although the oncologist said that all bone cancer patients had high calcium values. So I thought that the low calcium value was a sign indicating that more healing had taken place.

Ten months after beginning the Beck Protocol, the bones were declared completely free of cancer. The last breast cancer marker CA 15-3 was 61 and is still slowly decreasing. I feel I am in good health and I am able to do my daily 5 km walk in one hour (which is army's marching pace) and my normal housework.

Today, 18 months after the beginning of the Beck Protocol, my state continues to be good. One indication of this for me is that I have been able to pick berries in the woods 2-3 hours daily during the whole summer, resulting in 150 liters of blueberries in my freezer.

I will continue using the 4-stage Beck Protocol until I feel that I am completely healthy and the breast cancer marker is on the normal level.

Although our doctors are amazed by my miraculous healing, we have not told them about the alternative treatments (The Beck Protocol) that I have used, because of their negative attitude.

I hope that my story gives hope and strength to people in the similar situation. The Beck Protocol gave me my life back.

R.L., Finland
\ The doctors considered me to be in the terminal stage without hope and reach of treatment. My husband and I were told to prepare for my death. \
Colloidal Silver, Water Ozonation, Wrist Pulsing , Bone Conditions, Cancer, Energy, Lymph System, Thyroid Conditions, Tumor
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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