
Healthy and Active After Death Sentence
A.S., California, USA

Five years ago, I began to experience problems which prompted my internist to refer me to a urologist who wanted to run a small camera into me for an exploratory survey. This course of action threatened to be worrisome, so I never made another appointment.

My troubles persisted in the ensuing months and grew worse. A few months later, I was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit at a hospital.

The surgical staff found me to be anemic, suffering from pneumonia, and harboring an undetermined mass in the pelvic area. At 79 years old, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. They took drastic surgical measures, including removal of most, but not all, of the tumor, as well as a hysterectomy and a colostomy.

I was discharged from the hospital after a 2-week stay and was told to report immediately for chemotherapy and radiation. Intuition cautioned me that this was not the way to go. Upon arriving home, I cancelled the appointments and started to pursue the Bob Beck Protocol in earnest.

My internist up to that time admitted that the situation looked "pretty grim." The surgeon who had performed the operation said I had a life expectancy of six months. Meanwhile, I continued the Beck Protocol.

My new internist suggested I interview the chief surgeon on the team that had operated on me. The surgeon demanded to know why I had declined chemotherapy and radiation following my release from the hospital. I explained that I was exercising the privilege guaranteed under the patient's Bill of Rights to follow my own bent and manage my own recovery. I told him I was pursuing alternative means.

I told him that I would appreciate his taking blood tests to track CA 125, the major blood marker of ovarian cancer and CA 19-9, the marker for pancreatic cancer. He said that under no circumstances would he cooperate with anyone using alternative medicine.

I still needed someone to help me use the CA 125 marker to track my progress toward recovery. When I told my internist about my session with the surgeon, he offered to track the CA 125 and CA 19-9 marker for me himself.

He's taken several records so far, and the numbers for the first three have been, respectively, 8, 10 and 11.2. The hospital records showed the CA 125 level at the time of my operation as 102! (Anything below 35 is considered to be safe, or not indicative of ovarian cancer; anything above is considered to be cause for concern.)

My internist has remarked about my apparent good health. I have made available to him videos of Bob Beck's work, and particulars about the equipment I am using. I'm delighted to note he has loaned copies to colleagues and even to some patients.

What is my reaction to the Beck Protocol? After a few weeks of using the equipment, I started to feel much improved. Each day I did blood electrification, drank at least 8-ounces of ionic colloidal silver and 1 or 2 glasses of ozonated water, and magnetic pulsed for a 20-minute session. That it works is certain, on the basis of my blood test. However, it is time consuming to use. I was supposed to devote a full two hours each day to wearing the blood pulser on the wrist (I've never used it for more than an hour at a time).

There is still another aspect to my cure. Like most people, I believe in the power of prayer, not only by the person afflicted, but by the intervention of others ... I am aware of two such sources in my case.

What has been the result of my use of the Beck Protocol? I now feel healthy and well. I have evidence that the CA 125 cancer marker has dropped from 102, a medically unacceptable level while I was in the hospital, to a low level of between 11 and 12 following my discharge—I'm out of the danger area.

A.S., California, USA
\ My internist up to that time admitted that the situation looked "pretty grim." The surgeon who had performed the operation said I had a life expectancy of six months. \
Update - Ten Years Later
Ten years after first speaking with A.S., at the age of 89, we are pleased to say she is still doing well physically and is now living in a care home.
Colloidal Silver, Magnetic Pulsing, Water Ozonation, Wrist Pulsing , Cancer, Tumor
Disclaimer: We are grateful to the many individuals who share their experiences as it helps each of us learn. Please understand each story is one individual's personal experience and their perception of that experience. What works for them will not necessarily work for you. Government regulators say that testimonials are misleading and deceptive. Results are not typical.

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